“Unchangeable Brain”? Neuroplasticity will have a say in that.


I always looks for that reason to fix my brain. Here is why:

Stroke kills the brain and I need to know beyond the standard way to stimulate brain activity to help new passages to inside my my brain.

And aphasia makes my confusion real, well, not confused, but I can’t get things out – speech, wrong words come out, using numbers, dealing with money, and telling the time, and English/Korean (you want confusing? Mixed up in my brain. THAT is confusing!). It can be frustrating and, yes, impatient.

“I had to find way to work, to exercise my brain, to strengthen those weak parts.”

I want to get through this!!!! ROWR!!!!

“We can actually shape our brain.”

“He found that rats in as enriched and stimulating environment were better learners.

Their brains had changed physiologically to support that learning. And this was neuroplasticity in action. Neuroplasticity, simply put, the brain’s ability to change physiologically and functionally, as the results of stimulation.

So now I knew what I had to do.

I had to find a way to work, to exercise my brain… to strengthen those weak parts.

…because I wanted to make my brain to work harder, and harder, and harder, to pull concepts and understand their connections.

And about three to for months in, I knew something significant had changed.

So I knew something had changed.

The human brain was capable of change. I was living proof of human neuroplasticity.

Operating out of paradigm of the “Unchangeable brain”

brain touch.jpeg

I wanted the brain to just heal itself.

It’s so freakin frustrating. I want to wake up and be like, “That was a bad dream, but I did learn something: Plant-based diet, my own self-worth” and Mom’s alive…. < sigh >. (That will kill me)…

but that’s not the case.

Brain and aphasia and stroke. It’s going to take years. ARGH!!!


< Whooo. I am better. 🙂 >

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”

Years to make my plans and come out the other side: A new man.

I have a plan going on. It’s not going to be easy given aphasia. But I got nothing else to do, but go on. Just working out/physical therapy and work… and plan. Well, work on the plan. Not plan, as in, planning and doing nothing. That would be stooopid. -_-:: Hah.

Hence, “Fighting!” is the Korean saying “Fighting Spirit” (I don’t know, but that my guess) and “ROWR!!!!” (that’s my own US saying) for the same things, but saying is clear:

“Grit unlimited”

… no, unleashed.

Grit unleashed. 

That’s more like it (for now).

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min