What Has Changed in Korea?

(My perceptive.)

I’m going with write that “In a year, [this] startups will happen and [this] industry will happen”. Predictions. That’s for another post. I’m making that clear. This is about me.

After my stroke, I have seen the world shift both internally (the question of ‘who I am?’) and externally (the question of ‘who are you? “) from my perspective. I was all about “external”. I didn’t have an internal shift at all, at least, from my perceptive. External and future was all I had and was “startup” all the way… and I loved it. That’s a part of me.


Korea will always changes in the long-term, say, 4 – 6 years, and the short-term it will always stay steady. Day-to-day it’s all over the place. “Get this over to [here] over [there]. Faster!”

It’s on a cyclical round.

Korea startups will come and go. From blockchain startups, to AI startups, to IoT, electric cars, etc… it’s amazing when you think about it. But it doesn’t change when look at it in a long-term haul — 10 years and beyond.


For mornings, I must start out with a long-terms goals (1 year and 5 years) —  external (work related, etc) and internal ones (triathlon, etc.) AND
then I will get my day-to-day ones.

Red vector flat design background hurry up. It is well adapted for web design.

Hurry up!

We have go through the “Hurry up!” beginning stage of Seoul Space and because we didn’t know what we were doing… and it was good. Really good. The phase of the beginning of “Startup Era of Korea” and I had the FIRST Accelerator in Korea. First of anything in the Korea. (See the post on 1st: John Lagerling and me).

We are going through the “Grind it out” stage, which harder for startups and whatever life throws at you.

Hurry, hurry, hurry up! (“Balli balli balli” <– “Hurry up!” in Korean.) Korea is “Hurry up!” — ALL THE TIME — and I like it like that. It speaks to me. And startups are “Hurry up!” ALL THE TIME. “We got the pick up and pivot, or do something or we will run out of money”, etc., etc. Just like Korea is. I’m just about to fall in love with it ALL THE TIME. Haha!

Korea and startups is “Hurry up!” rounds. No “Take it slow” rounds.

But as I take it slowly (my stroke), and watch people around me, I wonder, “What is the big deal? Why is it ‘Hurry’ all the time?”. It’s something I thought of… seriously. It is Korea or is it something else?

inner jouney 3

Inner Journey

I went through an “inner journey” stage and I am still going through it, both physically and mentality. And… I’m okay with it. I still have a lot to say, but that’s what my podcast and blog and events (and video *stay tuned*) are to here to stay.


Creativity and innovation (external) AND
health and longevity (internal) AND
“legacy” (a mix of the two)
is what I’m about.



Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min