What I Ate Today (Part 2)
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition
- (I downloaded this app: Daily Dozen Food App. <— FREE, science-based, non-commercial, non-profit public service provided by Dr. Greger M.D.)
Here you go…
– Smoothie (the main meal):
2/3 veggies, 1/3 fruit and seeds (I usually have smoothies 2 – 4 time a week? Whenever the feel take me.)
- kale
- spinach
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- sprouts (I don’t what kind)
- melon
- apple
- banana
- turmeric
- cinnamon
- dates
- flax seeds
– Peach and grapes, and lemon (I put the lemon in the tea 🙂 )
– Cereal
- Oats, mangos, hand-picked blueberries (I got a blueberries tree. Heehee!), dates (2), walnuts, almonds, cinnamon, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almond milk
– Hibiscus tea
(Basically, I didn’t want to cook. Ha.)
– 4 kimpop balls (I ate two!)Â – white beans, rice, seaweed, and sorted veggies
– 2 sweet potatoes
– 2 potatoes
– 2 corns
(daaam, I didn’t get a picture!)
– Hibiscus tea + lemons
– Peach
What I eat in general
- 1 – 2 meals a day.
- I don’t eat breakfast. Mornings: I usually workout/run (well, my version)/physical therapy (spread out through day).
- Home: Whole food plant-based diet,
- and when I go out: Plant-based diet. Just forget it when you go out, I mean, “whole”.
- Snack sometimes. (Fruits, sweet potatoes, veggies, dduck (rice patties? I just forgot the names. -_-), nuts and seeds.)
I can always Fast, no problem. (I can fast for one week. Ha!) I want to go for 30 – 40 days (doctor recommended) as soon as my stroke is done. No, you don’t to worry about me. 😉 😀
That’s all she wrote.