What I Ate Today and Startups? Huh??

Plant-Based Nutrition and Startups??

(Hold on… I’m getting somewhere!)

Whole food plant-based diet – originally I got on it because of my stroke/ aphasia, but I like it and the food is delicious. It’s fits my innovation and accelerators lifestyle. More on that later.

Stroke is very hard. Super hard and it was bad. I’m still going through it. Slowly. I’ll get back under control and moving ahead for my life.


It was only options I could control. Food was it and I’ll slowly start adding things.

Starting from the core of operations. Taste was secondary. I researched till I was blue in the face, and it was a right there in my face: Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition.

(For more information about stroke here you go: Health… I never knew!)

But here’s the thing, I learned to like it a lot (the food). A LOT. I explored the taste again for the first time. Whole food plant-based diet… nutrition… lifestyle(?)… is the way forward. I know that now. (My mother would be proud. She died of pancreatic cancer right during my stroke. One of reasons why I did it.)

And it’s “health”!!! So, daam straight I’m doing it until I die. Take it from a man that had the stroke… ONE LIFE. Your life. 97% of chronic diseases will be gone if you follow a whole food plant-based nutrition. You don’t get any takes back… do it and be done with it. You will be happy for it. (And it will good food! Seriously!)

I don’t do any calorie counting, diets (like Paleo, Keto, etc), proteins and low/high-carbs (media and industry)… nothing. I just checked out every once in awhile the app: Daily Dozen (Free and doctor approved) and do research (I like the research). And I lost weight (ideal and steady, in term of the weight), fit, athletic, and energized unlike before (pre-stroke). Mediate, sleep, fast… I do it all. (Now to get rid of aphasia/stroke! ROWR!!!)

Whole food plant-based nutrition is the way forward.

WFPBL (Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle: 1
OTHER HEALTH BENEFITS (like Paleo, Atkin, etc.): 0


What is the connection with Startups?


I thought about it, and…

What is to say your food journey isn’t like a startup?

Well, exactly like a startup.

You’re living on the edge (especially if it is like it is in Asia), core of operations to start, and nobody like the fact you are doing it (not even you’re parents, and friends and colleagues), and nobody like the fact you are doing anyways, but if could get a little farther and the world will open up as a startup.

No one knows the future, but there is hope. It’s a lonely journey, but it is worth it. That’s just the way I like it.

Take the word “startup” and stick in “plant-based diet”. Ahah!

“Startups” with the saying “Plant-Based Diet” – change them around and your good. That will last you a HEALTHY and strong lifetime (not sickly and medicated) and it will continue onward, much like your startup – which will be big and IPO ready.

Plant-based food >/= Startup. (And I would give to “plant-based food” first.)

PBL (Plant-Based Lifestyle): 1


Both is better, but exercise is better than diet?



Diet IS better than exercise!

No freakin way!

“Diet” (whole plant-based diet) is better than “Exercise” is better than “Control”.


You are late for work, instead of going to the gym (one hour for workout plus going to the gym and to change-of-clothes time, and sweat time. haha), vs. you just pick up a whole food plant-based diet and you’re good to go.

That should save time – not having to exercise. Haha! (Of course, BOTH is better.)

I had no idea. None. Tech was seriously it. “Health” was seriously, like, last on the list behind “I want to dog. Someday.” and then “health”.

Mind blown! I never realized it.

Entrepreneurship and health (whole food plant-based nutrition) – interchangeable, or both, or switch it around. I’ll take health having stroke/aphasia over entrepreneurship any day, but that’s for you to decide. 😉

Diet wins over exercise. (I still cannot believe is true.)

PBL: 1

Plant-Based Nutrition AND Startups.

Now, I’m talk to the startups and entrepreneurs… and Accelerators. (Yeah, I got an eye on you too). Not VCs or corporate members, lawyers, stock brokers, etc. You don’t own have a company (Sorry! Nothing wrong with that). Just startups and entrepreneurs.

“You have gotta take your startups off the ground, and you have your burger and Cola and get to work! Your parents, and friends and colleagues… nobody believes you, but you will make it happen. You will make happen!”

Sound familiar?

Two conflicting sides.

You would do anything to get startup off the ground. That was your whole plan, right? 

Startups and what you are doing to your health are EQUAL. Just think about it. (You know NOW. Remember, I didn’t know either.)

Startups AND plant-based nutrition. Never separate the two.


I’m calling you out! That is right. Bring it! lol

(Accelerators that know me, can takes this with a bit of humor, Fashion Technology Accelerator doesn’t take me seriously (I’m coming for you!), but I’m serious in terms of health. What you do with that is up to you. I’m just spreading the message. 🙂 )

How can you run managed so many startups (and all those connected to Accelerators) and not be behind this. It’s the same thing.

My good friend Dave McClure said to me, “…as much plant-based as possible although I still LIKE to eat meat.” I did too (meat, chicken, dairy, pork, fish). I LIKED to eat that as well, and had to stop.

LIKE and NEED are different things.

I didn’t feel justified and right about it. (I was meat-eater too, but the stroke cleared me of that.)

I didn’t feel right about asking about “Your on the edge in your startup. Your parents, and friends and colleagues think your nuts.” and saying “Go for it!” and having pizza in my hand (and death by miserable medicine and sickly, in any case. lol).

Entrepreneur – true entrepreneur – has no choice. Need and like, and I know the difference.

How about you (Accelerators)?


Kidding! Or not kidding? Or both? 🙂

PBL: 1

What is a goal of all this?

Nothing you can say tops that “whole food plant-based lifestyle”. NOTHING. You can’t say it because you can’t experience it and trust me, you don’t want in (have the stroke, I mean). Two weeks coma and three months of hospital, and I’m still not over it. Not by a long shot. Healthy people and non-healthy (basically, chronic illness and non-hospital people.) That’s the line.

I am not going to give you to my future, personal and in general… and I don’t care. I got my own problem like stroke and aphasia for one! < sheesh >

That’s my evidence, so you can either take or it leave it.

I am a Mentor and Advisor and shareholder for a lot of these companies, and I run an Fashion Technology Accelerator, and Seoul Space, but I don’t think it’s right if I don’t ask the question:

What is your diet?

It’s a valid question.

WeWork was the first to say we are not having meat in our corporation headquarters because of savings and environment reasons, startup or otherwise. (That is amazing no matter how you place it. Kudos!)

I’m going to put my Accelerator questions, no doubt. I’m looking at “how” s/he answers it and not “why” (all though “why” can be a good one. ha!).

“Startup and Diet”? Why do you do it? What is the difference? You are eating that steak. It’s wrong. Can you explain the differences?

Would you be okay given up that chicken for your startup?







(You see? Startups or plant-based food. Used them interchangeably. Ha!)

Fair enough questions.

Stop outsourcing your health that doesn’t have a horse in the race. You are the one who benefits or suffer based from decision take get made. And it’s for your startup! No question, you have to do it.

Wealth doesn’t protect you (eventual wealth if you are startup).
Insurance doesn’t protect you.
The best doctors don’t protect you.

What protects is YOU. You doing the research and learning about the stuff and making better decisions.

But I would choose “(Whole food) Plant-based nutrition” over “Startups”…
and you should too.

PBL: 5

(According to me.) 🙂


  • Work on yourself now.

  • Find a (whole food) plant-based diet (FIRST) AND

  • Work on the startup.


  • Find beauty in life every day.

  • Live with meaning, intention and purpose.


< end >



[maan, 740 spelling and errors due to my aphasia. Got to get that number to down.] 🙁

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min