World’s Top Doctors Experts Explain SCIENTIFIC PROVEN Benefits of a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet


Heath that’s it: “Heath.” It’s long, but I urge you to watch. Don’t do what I did (I got real bad stroke because of it)! Who cares about new Netflix? Well, I do. You should watch it anyways. Put it your list.

You know, that is YOU.

Got it?

Now, off to the panel…

Dr. Pamela Popper (Passionate about the medical research subject and looking for all angles, natural and medical world. She is giving you the best information out there.)

Dr. Kim Williams (Former President of American Association Cardiology! That is huge.)

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD (Writer of the deeply studied, perfect scientific precision, “The China Study” and nominated for Nobel Prize of Medicine)

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn  (Authoritative, in-the-trenches with patients and research and writer of the “Preventative Heart Disease”)

Stroke/aphasia (like me), professionals, whole food plant-based diet, paleo diets, ketogenic diets, pro-vegan, anti-vegan, athletes, general health, or you are just search “health” and see what comes up, and any thing…


Nevermind, the environment effects… that’s a whole new story (I’ll write in my blog. Hang on!). I just want you to concentrate on “Health”. That’s it.

I am Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle. It’s started from my stroke (high blood pressure), and recently, I love it (internally)… and I will do it in Asia (externally). It may take some time, but I have plenty of time (I will live to 120+ years old, you haven’t heard?). Ha!

I get that you don’t want to meat/chicken/fish/dairy. I get it. I was like you. But is it all that different then what you do in your startups? You’re on the edge (startups). Ask yourself. I did, and the answer was whole food plant-based lifestyle. (And the food is amazing, by the way.)

I used to be on your side of the fence. My stroke/aphasia is still hard. Real hard. Impenetrably I worked and networked like a madman, and ate badly – not overly, but bad enough.

I implore you, don’t do what I did.

Your life. Now, do what you want with it.


Here is the source:

The Real Truth About Health:  YouTube Channel


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min