Stroke and Aphasia (and my affect on it)

[Longer version and more causal is here: Stroke, aphasia and post-stroke… and it is a pain in the butt!]


Stroke and aphasia (and post-stroke) is really a pain.


I was “the Man” (or so I believed). NCAA Championships Swimmer and Team Captain, martial artist, sponsored skateboarder, avid birder, artist, 9-ball tournament player, baseball (catcher), equestrian rider and life junkie. I was a CEO of Seoul Space, Tech Startup Hub and Managing Director of the Fashion Technology Accelerator and Venture Partner.

And that’s when the stroke hit me up.

High-blood pressure. That was it.

It was REALLY bad.


Stroke: (in my case, intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke)

Stroke is a “brain attack”. It can happen to anyone at any time. It occurs when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.

I am still working on stroke. It takes time. My right side is getting better (leg, arm and numbness… basically, all of my right side), but slowly.


And stroke led to Aphasia.

Aphasia is loss of ability to understand or express speech caused by brain damage. In other words, that makes it difficult to communicate. Language are affected (talking, listening, reading, writing, and repetition).

I can listen fine. My intelligence is in tact. Speaking and writing, though, is terrible. How do you think it takes me an write an blog article? Two days? 1-2 weeks… minimum.

I have Broca’s Aphasia. That is the worst. I can’t communicate!

I can speak three word of the hospital: My name, my birthday, and (you’re to going laugh)… f#ck! Those were the only word I spoke.

I can listen no problem. Listening to English is 100% and I can do it in simple Korean, but speaking is my problem.

English speech first, and then Korean (man, it is hard to be Korea!). Physical therapy for stroke (the right side. I’m working on it!).


Website is my work priorities (I feel like the year 2005 – websites and advertising), included my homepage (I have to start somewhere). I got some other current work to do (shhh! That is a secret!), but that is where at this point. And I have relearn written and spelling… and math… sh#t! That is a whole lot of stuff.

I am going back to basics for whole thing. I have to re-learn it ALL.

It is tiring and frustrating (REALLY frustrating) and… it’s hard.

Compare that with…

…to this (remember, I think clearly, regardless of that voice. Argh.) :

It’s a world of difference.

I need to rewiring the brain.


An exciting (new?) area is “neuroplasticity”.

Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

For example, if one hemisphere of the brain is damaged, the intact hemisphere may take over some of its functions. The brain compensates for damage in effect by reorganizing and forming new connections between intact neurons. In order to reconnect, the neurons need to be stimulated through activity.

I want that!

Let the brain do that have to… and keep sending the good stuff, a Whole Foods Plant-Based Lifestyle, and exercise.

That will maximize energy do what is needs to do.

I will go into the next stop “neuroplasticity” for a dive into it. (You got to it, mind/heart/body?)

– Never give up
– Rewired the brain!
– Neuroplasticity and exercise.

Got it. Good.


I’m getting better, and it will take time… but sslloowwwlyy.

I successfully take a “Whole Foods Plant-Based Lifestyle“, but so there is that. 🙂 I’m healthier then… well… all of my life! Let’s get over this and then I’ll be off running and skipping and who knows. Life goal: I want to join the triathlon in 3 – 5 years. Oh yes, I want to!

I wanted to get to over this soon.

It’s 2 – 3 years before I get over my stroke (and with my aphasia).


I wanted keep being the inspiration and to keep pushes the borders of the human condition farther ahead… and have fun in the meantime.

I’ll keep fighting until the last day.


[Longer version and more causal is here: Stroke, aphasia and post-stroke… and it is a pain in the butt!]



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