My Health (Rough Draft)

//—- rough draft —-//
(It took forever to write down! Aphasia (see definition below), caused by my stroke, screwed up my writing skill. I’m working on it! Stroke – I hate you!!! Arrgghh!!!)

I never knew. Tech was it. I had the entrepreneur/startup/VCs vibe and didn’t care about anything health related. I avoided health. It didn’t interest me. What to do about health? I was (ex)athletic and (ex)health …what could go wrong?

Maan, was I wrong.

I suffered a stroke. Really bad.

Doctors were given me an 80% chance of death. Death!!

High-blood pressure. That was it. I spent 2 weeks knocked out (I had tubes stuck in my head), 3 months in recovering in a hospital (it is baaaadd). And I still had going on after the hospital. Physical therapy, working out, and Broca’s aphasia…to this day (improvements, but slow). I don’t know whether the stroke is a 2-3 years, 5 years, 10 years…I just don’t know. But I will keep it to 2-3 years and see how hard it is goes. Aside: Aphasia started in stroke. I can’t stand it. It’s the worst. I can think alright, but conservation is bad. I would consider my verbal skills 15% of normal and Korean 1% of normal. It’s getting better….slooowwwlyy. I can say 3 words during the hospital – my name, Steve (random) and F#CK! So this is good, I’m definitely making progress, but slowly. AARRGGHH!!!!

I’m still showing improvement in my stroke (my right side – right arm, right leg, numbness), it will be a long process. Externally, I switched it: 85% health (physical therapy/working out/research), 10% work, 5% whatever, where I normally work (85%) and play (10%) and 5% whatever. Frustration is the enemy. Patience is the key. One to three (1-3) years I can be back to normal… somewhat normal. One day at a time! Fiigghttinngg!!! (It’s a Korean expression)

I still do know what happened. I was doing exercise, and….and … what happened? I was formerly athletic and doing what to can to get back to that state again.

(Look! See? I was fit! NCAA Swimmer. Yes, that actually me.)

So, I went into research and data mode. I just couldn’t figure it out. I’ve got to get better! No matter what. It is my mission… until I die or die trying.

I’m then it hit me…

It is the food!

Nothing else, but the food. Why did I not think about it.

Whole plant-based foods. (Except when you are going out: plant-based foods is fine.) I’m science based. Nothing else. I’ve been going 1.5 years ever since my stroke, it is great. Really.

I’ve been doing 85% health (research and data/workout/physical therapy), 10% work, and 5% whatever. Formerly, I did 80% work, 10% play, and 10% whatever. Flipped it on its head.

It’s the best research can find. I’m speaking about Asian research and alternative medicine and Western research. I didn’t pay attention to much media from US and Korea. I was in a bubble. I didn’t take the normal route.

Diet is the main cause of the stroke. s
Stroke is a problem? Fix it… by doing up your health.

97% cures disease!!!! Cures disease!!
Heart attack and diabetes is some of them. Actually cure heart attack and diabete disease. When I read that I was in shock.

That’s the one thing I can tell you:
Live and love on…
do any Whole Plant-based Foods.
That’s it.

You can find better? I want to know!

In honor of my Mom (pancreatic cancer) is no contest. Food is it.
And family? Food. That is the long and short of it.

Repeat: You can find better? I want to know!

I still love steak, bacon, chicken, fish, dairy, oil.. and Korea was particularly hard. Science and nutrition won out. A whole bunch of health stuff, research papers and reports (some dating back some years and some recently), people, youtube, etc…  everything ties back to that health concerns. Let me find better. Please!

I stopped immediately (well, close to it.) But as of the right now, this is it. Remember I am science-based, so base it on science.

Whether it is a good and bad and I didn’t care. It was an experiment (so would I tell myself so many times). Broccoli, flaxseeds, blueberries, black beans, walnuts, sweet potatoes… do it up! (Hence, the need for (plant-based) cooking class. Ha!)

Number one thing use your health:
The whole plant-based food/nutrition. The only diet that real works – totalistically and completely – across different age group, across different society, for the most number of years is a eating on the whole plant-based food. Period.
– Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD

I switched because of stroke, and because of Mom. She died of cancer…why? No one knows why, but I know NOW.

Even since I got a stroke:
– I’m science-based. If you know something, show me!
– Nobody is a doctor (in our family) or nobody around me.
– I don’t listen to any news, TV or media.
– I listened to reports, research, and Dr X (“X” means Dr. Plant-based diet. Go to the end of the page.)
– I don’t take any medicine. Really.
– And you can get anything food based. I get variety, a multiple, delicious foods. (Daily Dozen. It is App. It is FREE and Dr. Michael Greger fully supports this: Daily Dozen App
– I feel great!
– Since the stroke, 1.5 years in… and there is no turn back now.

I don’t eat:
– meat
– chicken
– fish/seafood (tuna, swordfish, shrimp, etc)
– dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc)
– eggs
– oil (breaks down the walls with your blood vessel. Walls break down Plaque. And high calories.)
(Normally, I ate it all. Yup, even last corner of it.)

Whole Plant-based foods are the way to go (healthwise). AND environment and animal agriculture – there was no beaten of it.

97% cure of disease. I never knew!
How many hours in can doctor get in medical training? 0 (Zero)

I am Smarter Than Your Doctor
When it comes to nutrition and health, yes I am

Simply put, medical doctors study medicine: diseases, medication, surgery and medical care–NOT NUTRITION, and are not qualified to give nutrition advice!

I been doing non-stop regardless what to tastes like (experiment). Some mouth-watering good and some really bad… I just didn’t care. Nutrition was the first key. I don’t care about anyone else.

President of the American of College of Cardiology (he is a convertage vegan): “I don’t mind dying,” he says “I just don’t want it to be my fault.”

Here are some resources to check out;
Dr. Micheal Greger, MD, How Not To Die
Dr. Micheal Klaper
Dr. Garth Davis, Surgeon
Dr. Neal Bernard
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, , PhD

Dr. John McDougall
Dr Pamela A. Popper, Phd, ND

———— //
In fact, Mom is going to be reason for my talk.
in fact, TED talk aphasia and stroke and physical therapy and innovation.

get out the way, re-injuring our self, and the naturals (lets the bodies) healing properties bring us back to the health we were original feeling
The US rank declined between 1990 and 2010 to 27th or 28th of the 34 OECD countries. S. Korea and Slovenia have mortality rate than those in the US. Most death is the US are preventable and related to nutrition. (The State of US Health 1990-2010, Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors.)

Plant-based diet are the nutritional equivalent of quitting smoking.

Approximately 70% of deaths the Western world are due to chronic disease that are essentially induced by the lifestyle “norm” of our culture. An estimated 90% of Type 2 diabetes, 80-90% of heart disease and 50-70% of cancer are considered entirely preventable.

Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, seaweed and plant-based diet as the most healthy one.
vegan (animal cruelty phase. i’m just for the foods phase discussion right now.
Animal husbandry, politics, rainforest (depreciation), environment …
I am for it. i’ll live in nature. i am the oceanographer (water). Auboden member. I look at birding (I am avid birding.) but that is product of the discussion right now

And not to mention the environment. I was originally environment and nature lover (don’t get me started on that; animal agriculture, animal cruelty, rainforest, global warming, etc, etc. )…

I’m recovering. 100% mental, but I still have some trouble speaking and typing.
High blood pressure is a killer
Frustratfion is the enemy
Patience is the key
1 year I can be back to normal… some what normal.
one day at a time, day by day
are you happy?
aphasia and stroke (pre-stroke/post-stroke)
85% health (physical therapy/working out/research) / 10% work / 5% whatever

In fact, Mom is going to be reason for my talk.
in fact, TED talk aphasia and stroke and physical therapy and innovation.

vegan (animal cruelty phase. i’m just for the foods phase discussion right now.
and aspect of it (animal husbandry, politics, rainforest (depreciation, environment )
I am for it. i’ll live in nature. i am the oceanographer (water). Auboden member.I look at birding (I am avid birding.) but that is product of the discussion right now

No one is a doctor and nutritionist.

I’m a 6 here 2 reasons:
1. Mom . It honor of her. she died from pancreatic cancer.
no one is my family is health related… no one! (cousin, aunts, parents, uncles, sister…no one!)
2. I can’t stand it. (Aphasia and stroke) .. health is so important. I don’t know health!
3. maximum food output.
4. ‎Whole plant-based food? Plant-based food? I you’re are plant?
5. ‎research
6. ‎social gathering?
7. ‎korea – ?
8. ‎heme?
9. I want to kids
generation shift
1 year I can be back to normal… some what normal.
one day at a time, day by day
Whole Plant-based foods

I did a lot of research… and research …and research (still doing it). I don’t pay attention to media. I was alone (yes, people were there, but people were not there in term of research and basic questions.)

Im tech guy, not a doctor. Stroke is really the set up. I switched.
I changed. Flipped on its head.

Health was it.

I didn’t “media up”. I am research. YouTube and research papers were it. I completely came across it by accident. Media, i mean.

And I didn’t come across through Korean. I was barely speaking English (thinking was fine. Speaking was a problem) I was jumble in the head.

Raw vegan method
whole plant-based

Dr. Micheal Greger, MD, How Not To Die
Dr. Micheal Klaper
Dr. Garth Davis, Surgeon
Dr. Neal Bernard
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, , PhD

Dr. John McDougall
Brenda Davis – not a doc
Dr Pamela A. Popper, Phd, ND


the guardian number 1 meat and dairy after megatrends climate climate change

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min